
2018-12-19 - This went on for weeks

2018-12-09 Does any one have a copy of the AGM Minutes? 
2018-11-06 There are 61 contacts on The Summit 70

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Built in 1999

Moneyline 508 (PTY) LTD
Reg. No. (98/07690/07)
Christo Jacobus Visser (Still on the run last heard in Austalia)
228 Smit Street

To do

  1. Swim in the complex pool
  2. Ask the guard for the key and walk up the mountain - What a view
  3. Kloofendal Nature Reserve +-6km
  4. Botanical gardens +- 7 km
  5. Florida Lake +- 10 km
  6. St John the apostle catholic church +-6 km
  7. Clear Water Mall +-2 km

Please leave your comments, suggestions or feedback.

Unit paint colours

Outside option 1 - Micatex Artist Canvas
Window frames - Bauhaus
Gutters and railings - PWD Brown

Please leave your comments, suggestions or feedback.